NAD+ och ökad energiomsättning i cellerna

NAD+ and increased energy turnover in the cells

NAD+ and increased energy turnover in the cells
Here we write more about what happens in the mitochondria and how certain food supplements can provide extra fuel for energy production. If you also add more unfiltered daylight - which contains red and infrared that is not found in indoor lighting - the energy production can be even greater.
How does the mammal Man form his energy?
The electron transport chain consists of several biochemical/electron steps that take place in and around the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The electron transport chain, or the respiratory chain as it is also called, includes the final processes when components of our food - and our light environment - are converted into usable energy.
The basis is nutrient molecules, electrons (hydrogen ions) obtained and converted from food, and oxygen. The electrons are then collected in the space between the outer and inner membranes of the mitochondria, full of chemical energy.
Through the enzyme ATP synthase, the hydrogen ions are shoveled into the inner space again and give rise to ATP - energy molecules.
Oxygen is the electron acceptor in enzyme step number IV of the chain where water is one of the end products. So - the more ATP we can form, the more our own cellular water we also create. *
How can we increase our energy production?
The path of the electrons through the interior of the mitochondria takes place with the help of transporters. It is molecules that have the task of picking up and leaving the electrons. They get different shapes when they leave and pick up the hydrogen ions. One of them is NAD+. In the first step of the citric acid cycle, NADH enters and is oxidized to NAD+ (and an extra hydrogen ion).
NAD+ is thus a starting point when energy production is to be driven further.
Can't we just take a supplement of NAD+? The problem is that NAD+ cannot be taken up by the cells when taken orally. Different forms of vitamin B3 have been studied to see which substances can increase NAD+ intracellularly when taken as a dietary supplement.
Nicotinamide riboside when given orally seems to give the best and fastest effect when it comes to giving the cells extra access to NAD+.
What should I consider when taking supplements that increase NAD+?
Everything that enters the cell is converted in some way before it can be reused or leave the cell. When we increase NAD+, the turnover/breakdown of it is increased and here methyl groups are needed.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that:

  • You don't have or are deficient in methyl groups
  • There are enough methylated B vitamins
  • Your lifestyle supports methylation.

Support methylation while increasing NAD+:

  • Organisms that feed on grass-fed animals have the right forms of B vitamins.
  • Foods like garlic, asparagus, leafy greens and meat broth that support detoxification.
  • Avoid processed food, additives, alcohol, smoking, toxic environments and too much coffee.
  • Take supplements of methylated forms of B12 or folate if you need to.

The points above are especially important if you have genes that make you less methylated, or if you know you already have problems with detoxification. In order for you to feel better from supplements that increase NAD+, also think about your methylation!
*Curious for energy geeks: This is why camels have fat in their humps, not water - as we know, burning fat produces more ATP than burning carbohydrates.

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